West Oxfordshire District Council has launched its ‘Your Voice Counts’ consultation, the first consultation at West Oxfordshire hosted on our new digital engagement system that enables residents to easily, digitally engage to let us know how they want the Council to work for them.
The new system Commonplace has been procured as part of a pilot project following a successful funding bid from the DLUHC Proptech fund. The consultation will enable the council to understand what residents’ priorities are and how they would like the Council to shape the District. The feedback will allow us to develop both the Council Plan and Local Plan; the first time we have consulted at such an early stage on these plans. The consultation focuses on key areas that the two plans will cover, including the Council’s corporate priorities, housing affordability, tackling the climate emergency, the local economy and vibrant and inclusive communities. As elected representatives in West Oxfordshire we encourage to spread the word in you community. Residents can take part in the consultation which is open from 24 August to 21 September and give feedback by visiting Commonplace – yourvoicecounts.commonplace.is. Residents unable to comment online will be able to access the questionnaire either in the Council offices in Welch Way, Witney or in a local library.