Below are some useful links to pages where you can report issues direct to the Police, Oxford County Council (OCC), West Oxford District Council (WODC), and Woodstock Town Council (WTC). Reporting these directly will normally result in a fast conclusion and means that you will be directly kept informed of the resolutions.
Thames Valley Police
Any police related enquiries should be made by calling 101 or visiting In an emergency dial 999.
Use the non-emergency number 101 for situations that do not require an immediate police response. This will help keep 999 available for when there is an emergency, e.g. if a crime is taking place, or somebody is in immediate danger – for these types of incidents, always call 999.
Oxford County Council
- Blocked or overflowing drains
- Bollards
- Flooding or standing water on the road
- Lines and road markings
- Hazards on the highway
- Overgrown vegetation
- Grass verge cutting
- Pedestrian crossing not working
- Potholes
- Signs
- Street light problems
- Traffic light problems
- Winter weather hazard on roads; snow, ice, etc.
- Schools
- Road Closures
To report these issues to OCC please phone 01865 792422 or visit their website at
For a quicker resolution to many issues see Fix my Street.
To reporting an illegally parked vehicle contact OCC at
Your County Councillor is Cllr. Andy Graham,
West Oxford District Council
- Abandoned vehicles
- Anti-social behaviour
- Bonfires
- Dead animal in the street
- Dog mess/fouling
- Dog waste bin overflowing
- Flooding
- Fly-tipping or littering
- Graffiti, fly-posting or vandalism
- Missed bin collections
- Noise complaint
- Planning Application and appeals
- Planning infringement or unauthorised development
- Pollution
- Street cleansing
- Damaged Pavements
- Winter weather re: pavements
- Disposal of large household items
To report these issues to WODC please phone 01993 861000, email: or visit their website at
Your District Councillors are Cllr. Julian Cooper and Cllr. Elizabeth Poskitt.
Woodstock Town Council
- Bus shelters
- Litter bin damage
- Play areas and cemeteries
- Damage to benches and parish noticeboards
- Issues in the Watermeadows
To report these issues to the Town Council please phone 01993 811216 or email
Environmental Agency
- Watermeadows flooding
To report any issues to the Environmental Agency please phone 0345 998188