
Parking Consultation

Re:  FORMAL CONSULTATION – Central Woodstock: proposed changes to on-street parking and introduction of permit parking areas

The County Council has worked with the town council and local councillors to develop proposals, which aim to better manage the demand for retail and residential parking in the centre of Woodstock, whilst also generating revenue to fund the scheme and provide effective enforcement.

The proposals include:

  • Introduction of Pay and Display Bays in the central area with exemptions for permit holders – 1st 30 mins in any 24-hour period would be free.
  • Introduction of some ultra-short stay parking areas – for short visits.
  • New permit holder only parking areas – to manage displacement.
  • Additional 2-hour parking bays on some roads.
  • New cycle parking areas in the centre of Woodstock

Click to view OCC’s Statement of Reasons

Where to view the proposals and find out more information:

To allow residents and businesses the opportunity to view the proposals in detail and ask questions, exhibitions will be running on the following dates where officers and councillors will be in attendance:

Saturday 19th March

9.30am – 12noon

Woodstock Community Centre, New Road, Woodstock

Monday 21st March

6.30pm – 8.00pm

Woodstock Town Hall, Market Place, Woodstock

Please note: parking around these venues is limited (especially New Road) so we would encourage visitors attending to come on foot where possible, or use nearby car parks.

Additionally, plans and documents will be available to view in person at: Woodstock Library, The Oxfordshire Museum, Fletcher’s House, Park Street, Woodstock, OX20 1SN from 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Tuesday to Friday, 10am-12.30pm & 1pm-4.30pm Saturday, and 2pm to 5pm on Sunday, and also at County Hall, New Street, Oxford, OX1 1ND from 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.

How to respond to this formal consultation:

The public consultation will formally open on the 17th March 2022, where plans of the proposals will be available on Oxfordshire County Council’s website and the public will be able to respond using the links on the following website:

The above link will include the draft Order and plans, which are also available for inspection at County Hall.

Alternatively, you can send your response in writing to: Oxfordshire County Council, Communities, County Hall, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1ND.

Please note that the closing date for comments is Friday 15th April 2022.

What happens next?

The County Council will review the responses and prepare a report to be presented to the Cabinet Member for Highways Management at a meeting scheduled for 26th May 2022.  This is a public meeting at which members of the public may apply to speak.  The agenda and reports for this meeting will be available on the Oxfordshire County Council website about a week before the meeting – see: (please note that occasionally it is necessary to defer reports to a later meeting, and it is therefore advisable to check the agenda ahead of attending a meeting).

Traffic & Road Safety, Area Operations Hub

Oxfordshire County Council
